The Osia hearing implant is discreet and comfortable, using the Osia System to perform with your body and in your life. An Osia implant can help you hear your best, even in noisy situations. The Osia Implant and Osia 2 Sound Processor work together as a powerful and long-term hearing loss solution to give you an improved hearing experience.
Am I a good candidate for an Osia Implant?
The Osia implant is best for patients with conductive hearing loss, mixed hearing loss, and single-sided deafness (SSD). Osia’s external processor is attached to the scalp when used and communicates to the internal device electromagnetically. No visible implant comes through the skin when the external processor is taken off.
The Osia implant may be your best choice for improving your hearing if you have chronic ear infections, making you unable to wear a standard hearing aid since it may worsen the infection. Because the Osia is implanted behind the ear and does not use the ear canal, it is an ideal device for people who experience chronic ear infections in addition to hearing loss.
When patients have congenital ear canal and middle ear malformations, or congenital aural atresia, the hearing function cannot be repaired by reconstructive surgery. And, a standard hearing aid may not be usable when the ear canal is unsuitable for such a design. In most cases, Osia can allow these patients to hear again.