Vertigo is the sensation of dizziness and spinning when you’re not moving. It’s a disorienting symptom, but fortunately, there are treatments that can help.
Treating Vertigo
Your recommended treatment approach will depend on what’s causing your vertigo. The most common treatment options include:
- Repositioning Maneuvers. If you’re diagnosed with BPPV, your vertigo symptoms are due to calcium particles traveling to your inner ear and disrupting your sense of balance. In these cases, your provider will guide you through a series of head movements during an in-office visit. These maneuvers shift the particles out of your inner ear, relieving your symptoms.
- Medication. If you’re experiencing sudden, short-term vertigo, we can prescribe motion sickness medication to minimize your symptoms and provide rapid relief.
- Vertigo Exercises. Your provider can teach you stretching and strengthening exercises that improve dizziness, vision issues, and unsteadiness. You can use them at home whenever you experience an episode of vertigo.
- Surgery. If your vertigo is due to a tumor or serious injury, you may require surgery. This is rare and only indicated if other treatments have failed.